February 1, 2024 - Annual Reports
AMCC 2024 Strategic Priorities
Following a busy launch year for the Association of Maintenance Contractors (AMCC), our board and staff have been working behind the scenes to set priorities for 2024. Now that we have built the foundation for the organization, AMCC is turning our energy and resources on the delivery of services for our member companies. Our work for this year includes outreach to potential members across Canada and commencing work with our Alberta member companies to strategize bargaining for the 2025 GPMC/NMC agreements.
As an organization, AMCC values our member companies’ resources and their trust in us. As such, we will continue to operate in an agile manner, listening to our members and providing services and support that our members ask for, while adding value to their operations.
As we look to the new year, AMCC has reflected on the valuable information gathered from our members, owners and partners through interviews, an online survey, and at member meetings – including our first annual AGM in June last year. Your priorities are our priorities and we continue to refine our service offerings for the maintenance industry and our members based on this information.
Working behind the scenes over the last three months, our team has set out AMCC’s strategic priorities in a comprehensive action plan to ensure the work we take on is valuable to our members.
We are working to develop a new process for bargaining to improve member engagement and ensure effective collaboration to achieve our common goals of labour stability, cost containment and predictability. This will be a first for our industry as we work together to ensure that we are best placed to offer exceptional service to our clients with a focus on creating simpler, more user-friendly agreements. We’ll have more to share on this work in a few short weeks.
Learning workshops will begin in February for site leaders of our member companies. These sessions will educate site personal on basic labour relations practices, maintenance agreement understandings and grievance avoidance. Our goal is to provide clarity on the union agreements to save you time, money, and headaches.
We’re committed to working towards positive change for our industry and sharing with government the challenges we face. We have taken the first steps toward highlighting our industry with the Alberta government and look forward to carrying your messages to key cabinet ministers in 2024.
Consistent with our business plan and commitment to provide value, we will share information with our members, owners and stakeholders regularly through this newsletter on a bi-weekly basis, on LinkedIn and ad hoc as needed. We’re also planning our second annual AGM for June 4, 2024. Of course, communication is a two-way process, and we will continue to find ways to seek feedback from our members as we move forward with our plans for 2024. If you have thoughts on this, please send an email to our team at Info@AMCCanada.ca.